Define your role

Whether you are a manufacturer, supplier, or dealer, different requirements must be met.
The specific requirements vary depending on your role and the regulations that apply to the product.

Please consider these roles: 

  • Dealer 
    A retailer or other natural or legal person who offers for sale, hire, or hire purchase, or displays products to customers or installers in the course of commercial activity, whether or not in return for payment.
  • Supplier 
    A manufacturer established in the EU, the authorised representative of a manufacturer who is not established in the EU, or an importer, who places a product on the EU market.
    • Manufacturer
      A manufacturer produces products OR has them produced by others and places them on the EU market under his own name/trademark. 
    • Authorised representative
      An entity with written consent from a manufacturer outside the EU to act on their behalf.  
    • Importer
      An entity that imports products and places them on the EU market (either for money or free of charge). 
  • Distributor/wholesaler
    Any economic operator in the EU supply chain who makes products
    available on the market and is not an importer or manufacturer.
  • Installer
    Installing products in the EU market. The products are being imported by a supplier and sold by a dealer. 

Several roles at the same time

Please note that economic operators can have several roles and therefore must meet several requirements. 

If you import the products that you are selling, you act as an importer and have the obligations of a supplier.  

Please find more information about the requirements of the suppliers here.