Introduction to


What is EPREL, the European Product Registry for Energy Labels? 

EPREL is a database set up and operated by the European Commission aimed at making available information about the energy performance and other important specifications of different models of household appliances. Suppliers are obliged to enter product into EPREL, as required by the EU energy labelling framework regulation, and making it easy to compare different product models. 

Installers can consult EPREL to download energy labels and product fiche/PIS, to look up specific information on a product or to generate links to EPREL e.g. for an online shop. An installer has no obligations towards EPREL.

EPREL consists of a “public” part and a “compliance” part:

  • In the compliance part, suppliers are legally required to register any models of products placed on the EU market that are subject to EU energy labelling requirements. The information to be registered includes confidential technical information only accessible to market surveillance authorities, which are responsible for verifying compliance.
  • The public part of the information is to help consumers when they are looking to buy household appliances, making it easier to get an overview of which models exist and compare the energy efficiency of different models (plus the other information displayed on the energy label). The information displayed in the public part of EPREL originates from the information provided by the suppliers in the compliance part.

    In the public part, consumers, installers and other stakeholders can find useful information about the product such as the energy label and PIS, select products according to specific criteria, sort results using up to three simultaneous keys, assess the population in respect to the Taxonomy criteria (i.e. highest significantly populated class(es)), download energy labels and PIS, also in electronic format and for on-line use via public APIs, and more.

Where to find EPREL?

You, your employees, and consumers can access EPREL to find detailed product information simply by using the QR code on the energy label or following this link: EPREL Public website.